Tonle Sap

Should you ever get the urge to feel guilt at being a privileged, relatively rich, self-indulgent knob then i recommend a boat trip across Tonle Sap and down the Mekong. Our 7 day journey was planned as a relaxed way to see some of the country; the best alternative for travelling from Siem Reap to Saigon. But lounging on a sofa at the alfresco, top deck bar on The Jahan cruise boat taking snaps at the passing stilt houses and floating villages where the people scrabble to feed themselves feels uncomfortably like intrusive poverty tourism.

Cambodia is among the poorest countries of the world, and the Tonle Sap region is one of the country’s poorest parts. Most people near the Lake live in the floating villages with few livelihood options other than fishing and fishing-related activities. Although the Lake is huge its rich resouces are undergoing significant decline due to population growth, over-exploitation and poor management. With little infastructure the Lake and rivers provide for residents' transport, garbage and sewage disposal. And washing and drinking water too. Lovely!

Floating villages and stilt houses

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